Millionaire Honey
Triple Favour Full Moon Water- Super charged
In All Products Ordered on the 18th of October 2022
NO CODE NEEDED just order on the 18th of October and you will automatically get it
Millionaire Honey-
Millionaire Honey – Our Millionaire honey is formulated with herbs to draw in prosperity, wealth and abundance.
• Bring financial blessings
• Bring unexpected income into your household
Money is a force. It is a concentrated symbol of energy and power in life. Like all forces in the universe, money
obeys certain universal laws or principles. By understanding those laws and acting appropriately, we gain a great
power over money, enabling wealth and prosperity to come our way.
Most of us are aware of the importance of hard work, determination, and drive to attract money. However, there are
also other, more hidden and subtle ways to attract money, wealth, and prosperity. When followed, these methods
have a tendency to instantly attract money from seemingly out of nowhere, defying our normal notions of cause and
effect, and what is logical and possible. Such sudden and abundant results are indications of the wondrous
phenomenon of “life response” at work.
Millionaire honey has powerful money drawing ingredients including Cinnamon which is said to attract success, prosperity, and love and is well known for its ability to promote healing and purification.
Full Moon Water-
Triple full Moon Water- Very Powerful
Full Moon is the most magical time in the entire moon cycle
The full moon has great power to amplify, manifest and create. It’s a truly magical period; we see nothing with our physical eyes except the beautifully shining sphere, but we feel the energy in the air. And the energy can be either soft and relaxing, or stiff and heavy, depending on what zodiac sign is the full moon sitting. There is no denying that the full moon holds great mystical powers. However, the exact reason for this is not fully understood. One possible explanation for the full moon’s influence on humans is that light is a source of energy – and we rely on this energy to live. The moon is the only natural light source that we have available to us on a 24-hour cycle. It follows, then, that we would be affected by its presence.
Our full moon water can help you banish debt, attract wealth, and bring peace of mind into your life
When your order arrives. Please drop a little of your full moon water on your highest currency and a little in your wallet. As you stand with your wallet open and imagine all those banknotes landing in it, recite the following affirmations
- I am so grateful for all the money that is flowing into my life now.
- I accept (indicate your dream amount of $) into my life.
- I am financially independent and can afford everything I desire.
Place your order now